Berks Ag Event Calendar
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Beef Summer Field Day
August 10
The Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Association is once again hosting the annual Beef Summer Field Day on Saturday, Aug. 10 to help beef producers learn more about their industry through several well-known speakers.
The field day, which will take place at Wen-Crest Farms, 549 Schaeffer Road, Lebanon, begins with a presentation from Dr. Ron Gill, professor and Extension Livestock Specialist from Texas A & M University. Dr. Gill, who will speak on “Stockmanship and Stewardship,” has won multiple awards in the beef industry education sector and specializes in low-stress livestock handling.
Next on the docket is Dr. Derrell Peele, Oklahoma State University, who will give the presentation “Cattle Markets & Outlook.” An ag economics professor and extension specialist for livestock marketing, Dr. Peele works in all areas of livestock production economics and marketing for all beef cattle production sectors. Additionally he also works in the area of international cattle and beef trade and has particular expertise in the Mexican cattle and beef industry.
Several beef-related organizations will give updates at lunch, including a Washington DC update from NCBA.
After lunch Dr. Mitch Blanding, Director, Beef Technical Services with Zoetis, will discuss “Managing Cattle Health in High Markets” in his presentation. A native of Kansas, Dr. Blanding holds a DVM degree and a MS in Ruminant Nutrition/Physiology. Before joining Zoetis in 2003, he spent ten years as a beef and equine practitioner in central Missouri and eastern Kansas.
The day is sponsored by Pennsylvania Cattlemen’s Association with support from the PA Beef Producers Working Group and NCBA.
Arrival and registration runs from 8:00-8:30. The last seminar will begin at 1 p.m. RSVP to or call 717-825-9824.
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